Best Nootropics in 2023 (Review)

What are Nootropics

A “nootropic” is a substance (often synthetic) that can improve the cognitive functioning of the brain. Some examples of nootropics include caffeine, amphetamines, St. John’s Wort, bacopa monnieri, vinpocetine, and piracetam.

Most of these substances have been available as over-the-counter drugs for years, so they’re relatively safe to consume. However, some nootropics can be toxic at high doses and cause serious side effects, so you should always read the warnings on the label before taking any supplement.

Choosing the Best Nootropics

There are countless nootropic supplements on the market, but which ones are actually effective? First of all, It’s important that you understand when to take the right nootropics.

Some people find that taking nootropics in the morning enhances their productivity throughout the day.

Others prefer to take them in the evening to help them fall asleep more easily. The most important thing to keep in mind is to experiment with different supplements and dosage amounts to find out what works best for you.

Once you have found your favorite nootropics, it’s important to take it consistently in order to experience the benefits.

When we talk about the most performing nootropics that are back up by proof, we must understand which nootropics are best for different situations. We have nootropics that are best for motivation, concentration, relaxation, sleep, overall energy, anxiety, and so on.

It’s important to understand how each nootropic works in the brain so you can determine which one is right for you. Keep in mind that everyone responds differently to different nootropics, so you might find that some of them are less effective for you than others.

Top 10 Best Nootropics in 2022

1. L-Theanine

This is one of the safest and most well-studied nootropics out there. It has been shown to increase alpha brain waves and help calm people who suffer from stress and anxiety. As a result, it is one of the most popular nootropics on the market.

This natural substance is found in green tea and can also be purchased as a supplement. It provides cognitive benefits without causing the side effects that come with most other nootropics.

It is also available in a number of different forms, including capsules, powder, and even cookies! Although L-theanine is safe for most people, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid taking it. It is also not recommended for people with heart disease or liver disease.

For best results, you should take L-theanine on an empty stomach at least one hour before a meal. Also, remember to take it regularly to see the best results. Many people notice a difference after taking it for just a few weeks.


L-Theanine is a super important nootropic. It has a huge impact on depression because it regulates the brain chemicals, reduces stress in the body, boosts the immune system, and improves focus.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine is no doubt the most widely known and used nootropic out there. Most people drink coffee in the morning to jump-start their day and boost their energy. However, this “stimulant” can also have a number of cognitive benefits when used in the right doses.

Studies have shown that caffeine can improve memory and promote the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. It also increases brain activity and promotes alertness. It can also enhance focus and attention and reduce fatigue. Some people claim that caffeine can also boost mood and self-esteem and prevent depression.

However, many people find that these effects are short-lived and are unable to maintain a productive mental state throughout the day. Like all stimulants, caffeine can have a number of negative side effects, including headaches, restlessness, insomnia, tremors, and increased blood pressure.

High doses of caffeine can also cause kidney damage and cancer. To avoid this risk, you should limit your intake of coffee to no more than 3 cups per day. You should also drink plenty of water while taking caffeine to help flush it out your system.


Caffeine is the most popular nootropic. It’s a very effective nutrient to jump-start your day. It improves memory and promotes the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. It increases brain activity and promotes alertness. Its effect has a small duration.

3. Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri is an herb that is native to India. It is commonly used to treat a variety of health problems, including indigestion, asthma, and diabetes. However, in recent years it has become a popular nootropic as well. It has been shown to increase mental agility and improve cognitive function and memory in older people.

It has also been shown to increase blood flow in the brain and improve communication between brain cells. Bacopa has also been used to treat depression and anxiety. However, some people may experience some side effects such as stomach upset and drowsiness when taking bacopa.

More research is needed to determine the optimal dose and duration of treatment for bacopa.


Bacopa Monnieri is a popular nootropic that is used to treat indigestion, asthma, diabetes, anxiety, and depression. It can also increase blood flow in the brain and improve communication between brain cells.

4. Noopept

The effect peaks after about an hour and a half of intake and takes another few hours to decline to baseline levels again. Studies have found that noopept can produce positive results for a number of cognitive disorders, including dementia, ADHD, dyslexia, and schizophrenia.

It has been suggested that it can also help to slow the cognitive decline associated with aging. Noopept has also been shown to have neuroprotective properties that protect the brain from damage and reduce memory loss. Despite its positive effects on cognition, noopept is not suitable for everyone.

In particular, it is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, people with bleeding disorders, or those with low blood pressure. These individuals should seek medical advice before taking noopept.


Noopept produces positive results for a number of cognitive disorders, including dementia, ADHD, dyslexia, and schizophrenia. It can also help with treating anxiety and depression.

5. Rhodiola Rosea

One of the main active ingredients found in rhodiola rosea is rhodionol (also known as rosavin). This substance has been shown to improve the cognitive abilities of older people by stimulating the release of dopamine.

It also acts as an antioxidant that protects neurons in the brain from oxidative damage. In one study, older adults who took rhodiola rosea showed improvement in working memory and increased levels of concentration and motivation compared to the control group.

In addition, it has been shown that rhodiola rosea can counteract the negative effects of stress on the brain by reducing levels of cortisol in the body. Improved memory and focus are likely to result from taking rhodiola rosea.

However, it can cause some side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and nausea. If you experience any of these symptoms while taking rhodiola rosea, you should stop taking it and seek advice from your doctor.


Rhodiola Rosea is known to improve the cognitive abilities of older people by stimulating the release of dopamine. It improves memory, motivation and concentration. It can also counteract the negative effects of stress on the brain by reducing levels of cortisol in the body.

6. Panax Ginseng

One of the most notable effects of ginseng extract is that it can reduce mental and physical stress and promote relaxation. It is believed to increase blood flow throughout the body and lower your blood pressure. It can also promote the production of serotonin and increase the activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, both of which play an important role in mood and memory.

In one study, people who took ginseng extract reported improvements in their concentration and performance at work. Another study found that ginseng extract can help to reduce the symptoms of depression in people with dementia.

There is some evidence to suggest that it may also have an antidepressant effect in people with mild cognitive impairment. Ginseng extract can be taken as a tablet or powder and is generally safe for most people when taken under the supervision of a doctor.

However, you should not take it if you are taking medications for high blood pressure or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Both Rhodiola Rosea and Panax Ginseng have been investigated for their cognitive enhancing effects. While there are differences between these two plants in terms of biological activity and clinical relevance, they both share some common mechanisms of action.

Both are suggested to be neuroprotective, with the well-known effect of reducing the impact of oxidative stress on brain cells. They also share the same ability to stimulate brain stem cells and neurogenesis and improve synaptic plasticity – the ability of the brain to adapt to new situations and form new connections.


Ginseng is known to reduce mental and physical stress and promote relaxation. It also increases blood flow to lower ur pressure. Ginseng also promotes the production of serotonin and increases the activity of neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which improves mood and memory.

7. Creatine

Creatine is a naturally-occurring compound that plays an important role in energy production within the cells of the body. It works by transferring energy to the mitochondria in your cells so that they can convert it into usable energy for your muscles and other tissues.

Several studies have shown that creatine can enhance exercise performance and can improve muscle strength and power, endurance and size, among other benefits. It has also been shown to improve cognitive function and mental performance in people of all ages.

One small study showed that creatine supplementation improved performance on memory tasks and reduced fatigue in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Creatine is usually well-tolerated but may cause side effects including muscle cramps, dehydration and weight gain.

If you are taking creatine supplements, you should talk to your doctor before you begin taking them to avoid potential complications.


Creatine is a super important nutrient for energy production within the cells of the body. It transfers energy to mitochondria in your cells so that they can convert it into usable energy for your muscles and other tissues. It improves muscle strength and power, endurance and size, among other benefits.

8. Ginko Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is one of the most popular herbal supplements available. It is commonly used to help improve memory and concentration, reduce inflammation in the brain, fight free radicals and reduce damage to the blood vessels in the brain. Research has shown that ginkgo may help improve memory in people with mild dementia.

It can also reduce the risk of stroke and protect cognitive function in the elderly. It also may be useful for treating tinnitus, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

However, there is currently no evidence that ginkgo can prevent or treat Alzheimer’s disease or other neurodegenerative diseases. While ginkgo is generally regarded as safe, it can cause headaches, stomach upset and bleeding in rare cases.

You should speak to your doctor before using ginkgo if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you have a medical condition. You should also stop using it if you experience any side effects.


Ginko Biloba is one of the most popular herbs. It helps with memory and concentration, reduces inflammation in the brain, fights free dacials and reduces damage to the blood vessels in the brain.

9. Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s Mane mushroom extract is claimed to promote healthy brain function by promoting nerve cell growth, preventing neuron damage and alleviating depression symptoms. There is limited research supporting the use of lion’s mane mushroom for cognitive improvement.

However, one small study found that people with mild cognitive impairment who took a supplement containing both lion’s mane mushroom extract and bacopa monnieri for eight weeks had improved attention and processing speed compared to those who took a control supplement without these components.

Lion’s mane mushrooms are low in calories and high in fiber and antioxidants. They are also believed to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. There is some concern that lions’ mane extracts may contain heavy metals such as lead.

These contaminants can cause health problems when they are consumed at very high levels. You should use caution if you are considering using lion’s mane mushroom to treat a mental or physical condition. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, dry mouth and upset stomach.

It should not be used by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition, it should not be used in combination with other medications.

You should not use lion’s mane mushroom if you are allergic to mushrooms or any of the ingredients in the supplement.


Lion’s Mane Mushroom is known to reduce stress and promote healthy brain functions by promoting nerve cell growth, preventing neuron damage and alleviating depression symptoms.

10. Modafinil

Modafinil is a wakefulness-promoting drug that has been used in the treatment of narcolepsy since 1998. It is also approved for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness caused by sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder.

The drug helps increase energy levels, focus, productivity and mood in patients with sleep disorders. A clinical study conducted in France showed that modafinil was effective in reducing the frequency of apnea episodes in people with sleep apnea who were taking the drug.

It also increased the level of alertness in these patients when tested using the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test. Modafinil has the potential to improve cognitive performance in patients with sleep disorders and other neurological disorders.

More studies are needed to better understand the beneficial effects of the drug on mental function. There are no known harmful effects associated with long-term use of modafinil.


Modafinil is used in the treatment of narcolepsy. It is approved for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness caused by sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder.

Side Effects of Nootropics

The use of nootropic supplements is generally safe for most people. However, some people may experience side effects when they take a nootropic supplement.

The following are the most common side effects of nootropic supplements: insomnia, nervousness, headaches, and irritability. Rarer side effects include high blood pressure, abdominal pain, fatigue, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and muscle cramps.

It is important for people to monitor their health while taking a nootropic supplement to avoid serious side effects.

Top 5 Best Nootropic Supplements in 2022

1. Alpha Brain

This popular supplement is made from natural ingredients like St. John’s Wort, rosemary, and ginseng, and it has been shown to increase brain power and improve mental performance.

Users have reported increased focus and improved memory after taking this supplement on a regular basis. The best part about Alpha Brain is that it contains only natural ingredients and has no negative side effects.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to improve your brain function, you should definitely give Alpha Brain a try.

2. NooCube

NooCube is a popular nootropic supplement that is said to improve memory, concentration, and energy levels. It contains a mix of natural ingredients that have been studied for their cognitive-enhancing properties.

The combination of L-theanine, Bacopa monnieri, caffeine, phosphatidylserine, vinpocetine, and other vitamins has been studied extensively in clinical research.

Users who have tried NooCube have reported that it has improved their memory and attention span dramatically.

3. MindLab Pro

Level up your mind.

MindLab Pro is a nootropic supplement that contains a formula of 5 ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids. These ingredients are all designed to enhance cognition and memory while reducing stress and anxiety.

According to the company’s website, the formula is clinically proven to improve memory, boost concentration, and enhance mood and motivation.

Some users have reported that they noticed an increase in brain power and mental clarity after taking the supplement regularly for several weeks.

If you’re looking for a natural and effective alternative to prescription drugs, MindLab Pro might be a good choice for you.

4. Lumonol

Leucine is an essential amino acid that plays an important role in the formation of protein and neurotransmitter molecules. Studies have shown that supplementation with leucine can improve brain function and protect against age-related cognitive decline.

Lumonol is one of the most popular supplements on the market today. It contains all-natural ingredients and can be taken by both men and women over the age of 18. Users can expect to see improvements in concentration and cognitive function within the first week of taking the supplement. The recommended dosage is one capsule per day.

5. Vyvamind

Vyvamind is a dietary supplement that aims to improve the health and function of your brain. The product contains a blend of natural nutrients that have been shown in clinical studies to have a positive effect on cognitive performance. In addition to its cognitive benefits, the product has also been shown to promote emotional well-being and reduce anxiety.

The five main integrants of the Vyvamind formulation are: Creatine Monohydrate; N-Acetyl L-Carnitine; Taurine; Phosphatidylserine; and Ginkgo Biloba Extract. Each of these components has been found in multiple studies to enhance cognitive abilities and improve general brain health. Together, they help stimulate neuronal activity and increase blood flow to the brain.

All of these ingredients have been used in a variety of clinical studies and research related to their beneficial effects on brain function. With an average of over 300 clinical trials conducted on each of the ingredients found in Vyvamind, you can rest assured that you are getting a safe, effective product that has been thoroughly tested.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Best nootropics for studying and focus

The best nootropics for studying and focus are the brain pills that help increase concentration levels and memory recall capability for students. Other terms for this class of nootropics are brain booster supplements. Read more about focus supplements by clicking here.

Best nootropics for energy

The best nootropics for energy are brain pills that help increase energy levels and enhance physical and mental stamina. Other terms for this class of nootropics are energy boosters or metabolism boosters. Read more about best nootropics for energy here.

Best nootropics for sleep

The best nootropics for sleep & relaxation are brain pills that help reduce stress and promote better sleep patterns. Other terms for this class of nootropics are anti-anxiety supplements and sleep aids. Read more about the best nootropics for sleeping here.

Best nootropics for memory and cognitive functions

Brain pills that help improve memory and cognitive functions are generally referred to as “cognitive enhancers” or “smart drugs.” These supplements help improve mental functions such as focus and concentration as well as improve learning abilities. They are usually taken once a day either with or without food. Read our best nootropics for brain memory here.


Natural Nootropics are a smart alternative to prescription cognitive enhancement products.

They do not contain harmful ingredients like prescription drugs or alcohol do.

Furthermore, they do not require a prescription, which makes them easily accessible to anyone who wants to improve their cognitive functions.

Their side effect profile is generally very mild, which is extremely important if you suffer from a medical condition or have a drug sensitivity.

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George Hernandez

George specializes as a Nootropic Expert with a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and a BA in philosophy, George has an excellent understanding of the workings of the human brain. He also helps to synthesize several medical papers regarding the efficacy of nootropics. He also tested the most popular nootropic supplements on the market and is making transparent reviews on each of them on this website.

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